118th Nadirism:
Slowly--like a child cutting into the honey cake their grandmother gave them for their birthday--so slowly did I cut into the world with my eye, gradually sating it, indulging in but a crumb of world at a time.
Pamelekhn--vi a kind shnayd arayn in a gantsn lekekh, vos di bobe hot im geshenkt tsu zayn geburtsto--azoy hob ikh pamelekhn arayngeshnitn mayn oyg in der velt arayn, es langzam gezetikt, nisht fargunen zikh tsu zen mer vi a brekl velt af a mol.
119th Nadirism:
Sir Oliver Lodge believed in life after death. So do I. We are a life after death--[the death] of so many generations. We are the ghosts of the world-to-come, with whom our great-great grandfathers continue to communicate.
Sir oliver lodzh gloybt in a lebn nokhn toyt. Ikh oykh. Mir zenen a lebn nokhn toyt--fun azoy fil doyres. Mir zenen di gayster fun yener velt, mit velkhe undzere elter-elter zeydes shteyen in farbindung.
120th Nadirism:
A king is nothing more than human, and sometimes less.
A kenig iz oykh nisht mer vi a mentsh un nokh veyniker.