173rd Nadirism (From the Depths/mima’amakim)
I threw away something or other
With my own hands, these two.
To this day I hear it falling,
No matter where I go or what I do.
Kh’hob epes azoyns farvorfn
Mit di eygene hent di tsvey.
Kh’her es nokh itster faln
Vi ikh shtey un gey.
Excerpted from the poem Something or Other
Something or Other
I forgot something or other
I don’t remember what or when.
I only remember that it sparkled
Like some crystal portend.
I lost something or other
Which wasn’t small nor great.
Now I’m groping in my bags:
Where nothing’s out of place.
I came too late to something or other
Which is never again to be:
Perhaps it was my misery?
Perhaps my bitter glee?
I threw away something or other
With my own hands, these two.
To this day I hear it falling,
No matter where I go or what I do.
I remembered something or other
Gleaming like a tear set in a ring:
It’s long since entered my present,
And now it doesn’t mean a thing.
Epes Azoyns
Kh’hob epes azoyns fargesn,
Gedenk nit vos un ven.
Kh’gedekn nor s’hot gefinklt
Un dimendik gebrent.
Kh’hob epes azoyns farloyrn
Vos iz nit kleyn, nit groys.
Ikh tap in ale tashn:
Es felt mir gornit oys.
Kh’hob epes azoyns farshpetik
Vos kumt shoyn keynmol krik:
Filaykht mayn biter umglik?
Filaykht mayn troyerik glik?
Kh’hob epes azoyns farvorfn
Mit di eygene hent di tsvey.
Kh’her es nokh itster faln
Vi ikh shtey un gey.
Kh’hob epes azoyns dermont zikh
Vos hot, vi a trer, geglit:
Es iz shoyn lang in dem do,
Itst meynt es gornit nit.